Core Technologies for SW Track

Resources common to two or more Courses

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Turing Machine by Tom Dunne
American Scientist, March-April 2002

"If things seem under control, you're just not going fast enough."
- Mario Andretti, race car driver

Web Resources:

Code Project, The Old New Thing Blog
.Net Framework
WPF Tutorial, WPF Code Samples
WCF Tutorial, WCF Tutorial - CodeProject
Introduction to COM - CodeProject, COM Videos, Introduction to COM, COM Docs - MSDN


This Page provides links to Core Technology pages that are each concerned with some specific technology discussed in more than one of my Computer Engineering courses.
  1. C# Programming Language
    C# presentations and code examples.
    Used in SMA, IP, DO, DP.
  2. C++ Programming Language
    Native C++ and C++\CLI presentations and code examples.
    Used in OOD, DO, DP.
  3. Threads and Synchronization
    Presentations on threads, locking, design, and code examples.
    Used in SMA, OOD, DO.
  4. Sockets and Remote Communication
    Sockets, .Net Remoting, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) presentations and example code.
    Used in SMA, OOD, and DO.
  5. Windows Programming
    Presentations of Win32 GUI programming, WinForms, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) with code examples.
    Used in SMA, OOD, DO.
  6. Win32 System Programming
    Presentations and code examples for Win32 API, Directory navigation, file handling, creation of threads and processes, and facilities similar to some of the .Net framework.
    Used in my code in OOD, and in DP.
  7. XML
    Presentations and code examples for creating, manipulating, and saving XML strings and files.
    Used in SMA, OOD, and DO.
  8. Mathematics
    Links to Mathematics resources I've found useful or interesting.
  9. MFC Programming Tutorials (no longer discussed in class)
To decipher what the abbreviations mean,e.g., SMA, IP, OOD, DO, and DP, look at the tabs on each of the course pages, accessed from the "Courses" selection on the menu at the top of this page.

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